When compared to other browsers like Opera, Safari, IE, and Chrome, Mozilla Firefox is still one of the flagship browser that most frequently used by the internet users especially bloggers because it has many advantages over the other browsers, such as language support, the availability of hundreds of add-on options, etc. Although for speed in my opinion is debatable between Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome. But for web display or blog compatibility is still superior to other browsers.
In recent versions also implanted the new features are pretty much compared to version 3.5 to the bottom, such as is available in over 70 languages, new Personas feature, which allows users to change the look of Firefox with one click, the protection of the out-of-date plugins to keep users safer when they are browsing, open the original video can now be displayed in full screen, improved JavaScript performance, etc.
Unfortunately among these advantages, there is a feature that are removed or disappear when users right-click on a link. Yes, the feature is "element properties" which often used to check whether the link is opened on the same tab or a new tab and whether the link is dofollow or nofollow.
The good news is now the Firefox users can add the element properties by installing add-on of "Element Properties 6" on your Firefox browser. To do it, download Element Properties 6 here, then install it. Once installed, restart your Firefox browser. Now you should see 'properties' link when you right click on a link or image.
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